Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Beckfoot Nessfield School, we have high expectations for all students and our aim is to enable children to succeed through encouraging hard work, ambition, and kindness.  To ensure that no child is left behind, considering our most vulnerable learners, we foster an approach of equity rather than equality: we recognise that individual learners have different needs and circumstances and as such, we put appropriate diverse provision in place for an equal outcome for all.  Our inclusive ‘No Outsiders’ ethos is an integral part of our offer at Beckfoot Nessfield and we value, celebrate and nurture one another’s differences. 

Some children require extra help, and our aim is to make sure that the more help they need, the more help they get.  This is called a ‘graduated approach’.  Support comes in a variety of different forms within school.  The support that is most appropriate to your child to meet their individual needs will be discussed with you on a regular basis. 

If difficulties persist or are particularly complex, the schools SEN co-ordinator, Matthew French, along with external agencies and specialists can become increasingly involved in supporting the child and their family.  We acknowledge co-production is key to improving the quality of SEND provision and inclusion across school.  

Our Local Offer

Please refer to our Local Offer document to find our more about how we meet the needs of children with SEND in our school


Beckfoot Heaton Primary takes account of its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Code of Practice 2014. We do not treat disabled pupils less favourably than others, and we will always take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage. There is an Accessibility Plan to increase the ability of the school to cater for the needs of the disabled pupils.

Please  click here to view the Accessibility Plan

Parents/carers are invited to inform school of any disability that could prevent or impair their child’s full participation in school life. If we are made aware of any problems, we always try to make alternative arrangements to overcome any difficulties. 

Bradford Local Offer

Bradford Local Offer or a printed copy can be obtained from
Bradford Families Information Services by telephoning 01274 437503.


If you would like further help and support please use the following links to useful agencies.

Contact details of relevant support services