As your children embark on their journey at Beckfoot Nessfield, we want to ensure that both your child and your families are equipped with the support and guidance to make your time with us enjoyable and positive.
The poster below will give you more information about our weekly family clinics, designed to support you with any concerns or queries. Click the button below to learn more about our clinics and when they’re held.
Our school uniform

Beckfoot Nessfield jumpers and polo shirts with the school logo, can be purchased from Whittakers Schoolwear and Top Trends in Keighley.
- Jade polo shirt, with or without the school logo
- Navy blue cardigan or sweatshirt, with the school logo
- Grey trousers or smart grey shorts
- Grey knee length skirt or pinafore dress
- Navy checked summer dress
- White, grey or navy socks/tights
- Black trainers or shoes
PE uniform

Children MUST come to school on PE days in their PE uniform. School uniform can be purchased from the school office
PE Uniform consists of:
- Navy t-shirt with school logo
- Navy shorts (these can be navy cycling shorts)
- Navy jogging bottoms or leggings with the school logo
- School tracksuit top or fleece with the school logo
- White grey or navy socks
- Black trainers (no logos)
- Caps or sun hats may be worn in summer
Uniform Vouchers
The Beckfoot Trust will provide financial support to families on free school meals. Uniform vouchers are redeemable at Whittakers uniform shop in Keighley. Vouchers will not be valid in any other outlets.
In special circumstances, uniform vouchers support may be provided to other parents/carers where exceptional need can be explained. Click the button below to view our Smart Uniform Policy.
Second hand uniform
We collect in any clean, unwanted uniform throughout the academic year and sell it for a small donation each Thursday on our Rethink market stall. You can also contact the school office if you would like to purchase any second-hand good quality uniform.
School dinners
At Beckfoot Nessfield, our younger children from Nursery to Year 2 have lunch ‘family dining style’. Children sit with the same 16 every day, so they always have a familiar friend to talk to and nobody is left out. Each table has a designated member of classroom staff who acts as a parent, supporting the children and serving food.
The children then have ‘jobs’, just like they would if they were sitting in a big family. Someone helps to put out the cutlery, someone else puts out the cups and pours out the water. Family dining means the children do not need to queue up for their food and everyone eats at the same time. Children who have packed lunches sit at the same tables as those having school dinners.
Year 3 to year 6 children have the option to sit at a table of their own choosing with their friends. They collect their own food from the serving area and set their own places. Children help each other by passing around the water, bread and salad. At the end of their meal, they clear things away themselves.
Our food is cooked by FM Catering and we work closely with them on creating the menus. We post menus (which run on a three week rota) on our online school/ home communication app so you can see what foods your child can choose from. Your child can then pick and choose between if they want school dinners or a packed lunch from home each day.
During the year we also run theme days so everyone gets the opportunity to try new foods.
All children up and including Year 2 receive the universal offer of free school meals. From Year 3 onwards, all children pay for school meals unless they qualify for free school meals.
To find out about free school meals please call into the office.

Rethink Food Market Stall
Each week Beckfoot Nessfield receives a delivery of sustainable surplus food from Rethink Food. The food is nutritionally balanced in line with the Eatwell Guide and evaluated by expert nutritionists. A lot of the food has been rescued form waste, having been deemed surplus to requirement for several different reasons. Every Thursday we a Rethink Food food market stall outside school so families can collect food for a small donation.
We are also able to make food parcels for any family who find that they need extra food bank support. We can also include toiletries and toilet roll. Please contact the school office if you require a food parcel.

Willow Wrap Around Care
We offer before and after school care run by school staff that the children are familiar with in our Willow Club.
Breakfast runs from 7.30am – 8.30am each day. Your child can have breakfast and complete fun activities to get them ready for the day ahead at school. Sessions cost £4.00.
After school sessions run from 3.15pm to 6.00pm with lots of flexible options. The children have a simple meal and get the chance to enjoy a wide range of activities both indoors and out. Sessions cost £9.75.
We accept childcare vouchers and tax-free payments which support with the cost. Bookings are completed on an electronic system.
For more information and to book your child into our Willow Club before or after school please visit or call the school office who can support you with the next steps.

Remote Learning
If for any reason your child has to complete their learning at home, for instance following an operation, we provide your child with learning packs and links to online learning e.g. Oak National Academy. Your child’s teacher will stay in contact with you and your child through school communications in order to support with any questions you may have.
Tax-Free Childcare
Working families in the UK, including those who are self-employed, may now qualify for tax-free childcare.
This applies to families with children aged 0-11, or 0-16 if disabled, who are not already receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credit, or childcare vouchers.
For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will contribute an additional £2, up to £2,000 per child annually. That’s up to £500 every three months.
Am I eligible?
You and any partner, must be over 16 and expect to earn at least £152 per week (the equivalent of 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage) to qualify for tax-free childcare.
You may be eligible if you , or your partner, are on maternity, paternity, or adoption leave, or you’re unable to work because of a disability or care responsibilities.
You will not qualify for tax free childcare if you or you partner expect to earn £100,000 or more on an individual basis.
How can I use it?
You can use tax-free childcare for:
- Childminders, nurseries or nannies
- Before and after school clubs
- Holiday clubs