
Reception Admissions

Beckfoot Nessfield is a co-educational comprehensive primary school for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years (children in nursery start after they have turned 3). The admission number agreed with the Local Authority is 30 per year group. We hold open days where you can come and see our school prior to your child starting in September. Information on dates will be available from the school office.

Admissions & Parental Choice – Nursery

Please ring and speak to to the school office for more information. (O1535 665628 or [email protected])

Children attending our nursery are not guaranteed a place in our Reception classes. A separate application must be made to the Local Authority which is responsible for allocating reception places. The application should be made between September and January in the year before they are due to start, you can access the application form here.

Admissions Team

Please see following link for information on the Bradford Admissions Team. It includes contact information and other important information that you may need.

Arrangements for children starting school

Children will normally start full time in the Reception Class in the September of the school year in which they will be five.

If there are more children wanting a place at Beckfoot Nessfield Primary School than there are places, the Local Authority will first offer places to children who have a sister or brother who lives at the same address and will still be at the school in the September. Places are then offered to children who live nearest to the school (measured in a straight line).

If parents receive notice that a place has not been offered to their child, they may, if they wish, appeal to the Local Authority. Sometimes the appeals are successful.

Each year all new parents are invited to a meeting where relevant information is shared about our school.

For further information about admission arrangements please refer to the Local Education booklet “A Guide for Parents about Admission Arrangements to Primary Schools” which is available on the Bradford Council website More information in relation to Bradford Council Admission arrangements can be found on the following link