Performance Data and Ofsted

Our Performance Data

We are proud of the improvements in our attainment data. We are particularly proud of the increase in the number of children achieving greater depth, especially in reading. These improvements reflect our school sentence: At Beckfoot Nessfield we strive to be even better tomorrow than we are today.

Visit the DFE Data Summary

Here are our Year 6 Results from 2024


Our Ofsted Report

Beckfoot Nessfield Primary School was last inspected in 2023. As we continue to work to improve our school, we wanted to outline some highlights from our report that capture what Beckfoot Nessfield is about. Beckfoot Nessfield is a caring and nurturing school. It is a place where pupils feel happy and safe.” inspectors also recognised our work to improve our school as we continue to work with Beckfoot Trust to make our school remarkable.